Wednesday, March 3, 2010

♫ These Are a Few of My Fav-or-ite Words...♫


ab·so·lute·ly \ˈab-sə-ˌlüt-lē, ˌab-sə-ˈ\

1 : in an absolute manner or condition —often used as an intensive

Last year, my mother and I were talking on the phone about something she was doing involving networking. She said, "I'm gonna give you a tip. When you're talking to folks that are planning on doing business with you, a good word to use is absolutely."

I laughed. She went on, "I'm serious! When someone asks you a 'yes or no' question, use it! You sound more sure of yourself than if you simply say "yes". Here, ask me a question."

I asked, "Are you going to have that fax sent today?" She responded ever so bubbly, "Aaaabsoutely!" I was actually temporarily convinced she would fax that fictitious document in a timely manner. I was sold.

Since then, the word has grown more powerful to me. When someone uses it, I feel they mean whatever they are referring to.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Really Love You....You Know I Do...

I. Love. Women.

When I make this statement, I don't mean it in the sense that I love fucking/boning/smashing/sexing women. I mean I LOVE women, sincerely.

Moreover, I LOVE Black Women (no offense to my other 'races' or ethnicities). I attribute this to my upbringing. Thanks, Mom.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

♫ These Are a Few of My Fav-or-ite Words...♫


\ˈpris-ˌtēn, pri-ˈstēn

2 a : not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted (as by civilization) : pure {a pristine forest} b : fresh and clean as or as if new {used books in pristine condition}

I first heard this word as a kid during some scandal somewhere in the early to mid 90's in the context of "His once pristine image..."

When I heard this this, I said to myself, "Wow that word just SOUNDS clean." I went and looked it up. That word has caught my attention at every mention ever since.

It just sparkles when I read it. Whenever I speak or hear the word I get the image of the shine on many things that can be shiny.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

♫ These Are a Few of My Fav-or-ite Words...♫


clav·i·cle \ˈkla-vi-kəl\: a bone of the vertebrate pectoral girdle typically serving to link the scapula and sternum —called also collarbone

"ClaaaavviKuuuulll". I just love enunciating that word. I love a defined clavicle on a lady, too. I also happen to think mine is pretty sexy.

[Of course this is an old picture, but it was the only one readily available on the internet that was showing off that area.]

I do believe I adore the word more than the actual bone, though. Clavicle.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A quick story to get the ball rolling...

I was at the cafeteria at ODU the other week, using the microwave. I had this little Denty Moore-90 second-meal thingy. There was another gentleman occupying the microwave next to me to heat up some mac n cheese.

Now, as most of you know, with these little microwave dinners you have to cut a slit in the plastic. (These Denty Moore joints have some hard ass industrial white covers though, not the clear film that Banquet dinners have.) I grabbed a plastic knife and attemtped to do just that, but the plasticware the University offered was bullshit. The knife kept bending. I tried to poke holes with a fork instead, but got the same results. I'm standing there trying to figure out how I'm going to make the slit without looking like an ass.

I'm taking entirely too long executing this seemingly simple task. I swear I can sense the guy next to me was thinking 'Look at this idiot....ha ha'. I finally pull a pen out and make the slit. As I put my tray in, I glance over at the guy and I catch him tucking away a smile while staring into his microwave. Smug mufucka.

As soon as his microwave *beep*s, he opens the door, and in one motion grabs the tray and drops it. "Fuck!" and the sucking of teeth follow immediately. He shakes the burning sensation away from his fingertips, and a drip drop of cheeses passes my face. I feel the heat of it as it flies by my nose.

Ha! Dumb ass.....How the mighty have fallen.